Entries by tvidcoza


Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Tygervalley Improvement District NPC that will take place on 21 October 2019, Auditorium, 1 Sportica Crescent, Santam Head office, Tygervalley, 7530 at 16:30 where the following items will be discussed: Registration Welcome & Apologies Membership resignations new members Quorum to constitute a meeting […]

Full Programme for Cleaning and Maintenance Team

Tidying, de-weeding, removing of graffiti and more  In Tygervalley, the Cleaning and Maintenance team of the TVID makes a visible difference in a number of ways that certainly bring about a positive change and improvement. Amongst other things, the team deployed to cut the branches of trees hanging over into the street and the sidewalk, where it had […]

Mr Dave Blackbeard sets a Worthy Example

Although all hands involved with the various tasks to improve Tygervalley are willing and busy, Manager Clifford Oostendorp says it is a pleasure to present Dave Blackbeard as one of the best workers in the TVID team.  He says Dave is always on time. “We start at 08:30, but when I arrive at the office at 07:00 in the morning, Dave is here […]

Plenty of Action on Public Safety Front

The TVID Public Safety Officers patrol the area on a 24-7 basis and behind the scenes work tirelessly to secure the area better. Here are some of the recorded incidents:  In recent months we have had a few incidents of theft from motor vehicles.  Our Public Safety Officers received a call from the security at […]

TVID Takes Matters in Hand

Tygervalley can be assured of a dedicated and comprehensive service being rendered by the TVID (Tygervalley Improvement District), as can be concluded from a report on activities in the area during the past few weeks.  On the Public Safety front there was a large amount of activity that can set the area’s tenants and residents at peace.  TVID Urban […]

Geocentric Launches New App

“As Geocentric we are very proud to launch our new mobile phone reporting application,” said Gene Lohrentz of the urban management company recently. “This is another way in which we are enabling our CID business and property owners to interact with their City Improvement District Management.  “We want our CID contributors to become part of our family by interacting […]