Tag Archive for: cleaning

The task of the TVID’s maintenance and cleaning team is to clean within the TVID in order to sustain a fresh environment. The following duties were recently completed within the TVID: 

  • Cutting of grass and de-weeding at Havenga Street, Misspell Street and Durban Road respectively. 

See ‘Before’, ‘During’ and ‘After’ pictures to illustrate:


Before 3 Before 2 Before 1



During 1 During 2 During 3



After 3 After 2 After 1

  • TVID Cleaning and Maintenance Team was deployed to empty green bins in our area. 

greenbins 1 greenbins 2 greenbins 3 greenbins 4 greenbins 5 greenbins 6

  • The Cleaning and Maintenance Team was also deployed to clear and remove illegal dumping in the TVID area. (See ‘Before’, ‘During’ and ‘After’ pictures.) 


illegal dumping (before)



illegal dumping (during)




illegal dumping (after)

  • The team also re-aligned and painted bollards and street signs at Durban Road, Edward Street, Willie Van Schoor Street and Antrum Park respectively. 

bollards 1 bollards 2 bollards 3 signs 2 signs